Waterproofing Newer Homes

When getting a new home there is a lot of pressure for everything to be done and done right. That is why waterproofing in your home is needed. Without taking this step, you could be setting yourself up for future problems that are going to be much more expensive, and a bigger hassle as well. Houses that are not waterproofed have a high risk of water entering their homes and flooding their house. Flooding can cause a lot of damage to the inside of your home and belongings that are special, important, or expensive. Not only flooding, but mold and termites  also come and damage your home. Fortunately, waterproofing can not only avoid all those problems and risks, but it increases the value of your home as well. 


There are many options to consider when waterproofing your home, but it is encouraged that you consider a combination of techniques for the best results. 

Damp Proofing: A tar-based emulsion is sprayed on the outside of the basement to keep out the moisture. This is the cheapest method, but it is not strong enough to keep out water. 

External Waterproofing: A thick rubbery membrane is embedded to the outside of the basement walls to keep out water. This method lasts for at least 10 years.

Drainage System: Drainage pipes are put in the foundation footings so that the water is carried to the outside perimeter of the property to a storm drain.

Internal Waterproofing: In locations with drier climates, external waterproofing may not be something a homeowner would be concerned with, however, it is still advised for sealants to be applied to any cracks or irregularities in the inner walls of the basement. Doing this has to do with preventing mold.  

Damp Proofing vs Waterproofing

Although it may seem as though these two are the same, they are distinctly different. Damp proofing is the process of putting a coat on the outside of the foundation that is moisture-resistant. It is designed to keep the moisture from the soil out of your home, however, it is not strong enough to keep actual liquid water from getting past it. Waterproofing on the other hand is protection from leaks and water that tries to get through the concrete. 

You may be thinking to yourself, how does water get through such a strong and solid substance like concrete. Well, concrete is actually porous, so it can be affected by water and moisture. Water and moisture are able to get through cracks caused by pressure and other things. Without protection, water will be able to come through the foundation and cause not only damage to your basement, but belongings that are dear to you. 

What Is The Waterproofing Process

First there is a liquid rubber membrane applied to the exterior wall. Then a fabric mesh is embedded into the rubber membrane’s first coat. After that, there is another coat of rubber membrane added over the mesh. Finally, for drainage, a soil side drainage system is added, which is secured to the foundation wall with the raised dimples placed away from the wall. 

Save Thousands of Dollars

If possible, while the house is still in the building stage, hire a waterproofer to go in and make your exterior foundation waterproof. Getting it done at an early stage will save you a lot more money and inconvenience in the future.