Window Well Repair and Replacement

Window wells are the most commonly overlooked part of your home. Simple maintenance and upkeep is one of the easiest ways to prevent leakage into your basement. Clearing out mud, leaves, and other debris every season can significantly decrease the chance a water overflow may occur. In some cases it may be too late to salvage a leaking window well. When this happens it is necessary to call in a professional.

When your area is hit by a heavy rain storm the window wells of your home can be filled with water and it may ultimately find its way into the basement. Water often pools in a window if the well isn’t properly draining for some reason, such as a clog. The water can then leak into the basement between the top of the wall and the window frame pr perhaps directly through the window. If your window wells aren’t draining properly you could find yourself with an awfully wet basement in a short period of time. A good window well should hold back soil by creating a rigid barrier.

If water is leaking into your basement it’s usually doesn’t mean your windows need to be replaced as the problem typically lies in the window wells. If your basement windows are installed at ground level or below they should come equipped with window wells. These should have drains to the weeping tile system along the footing of the home so water can’t accumulate in the wells. The water can then be removed via a storm sewer in the street or a basement sump pump.